
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Budding Blog Linky!

Jess over at I {Heart} Recess is hosting a great linky party... Budding Blog! The linky party is for new blogs with less than 200 followers.... and with a cool 6 I definitely qualify! :)

To participate just link up and answer Jess's 5 questions! My answers are below...

1. Why did you start blogging? I started blogging because I was spending a lot of time bog-stalking and thought "I should do that too! Surely I have something to offer..."
2. What is your favorite subject to teach and why? I'm currently teaching English, so don't tell.... but I LOVE teaching history! I taught 8th grade world history for two years, and it was the most fun I've had teaching ever. What's better than going to work every day to tell awesome stories and do fun hands-on history simulations?!
3. Describe your teaching style. My teaching style... I guess I'd describe my teaching style as controlled, technology-driven, and fun. As long as we get the work done, I'm all about a classroom full of laughter. But I'm also pretty OCD, so my kids know everything has to be just-so. Luckily I'm able to poke fun at myself about it, so they laughingly cooperate with my quirks!
4. Give three interesting facts about you. I got married in Las Vegas; I read insanely fast (casually read four or five books over the weekend); I'm completely tone deaf (in middle school the band director suggested I would be happier taking home ec!)
5. Do you have a TpT store? If yes, post the link :) No TPT store yet... maybe someday! In the mean time I spend a lot of time and money there!

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  1. I found your blog through the linky. I too am new to blogging, just started this summer. I am your newest follower. I would love for you to stop by and check my blog out {us newbies need to stick together - ha!}!!!! I know we teach different grades, but you never know what you can learn from another educator. I use to teach middle school {I talk about it my post}, and history is also one of my favorite subjects too!!! Thanks for sharing - I can't wait to read more post.


    1. Thanks for stopping by! I just hopped over to your blog - your classroom is TOO cute!!

  2. Hey Ashley, You have 25 followers on Bloglovin! I'm one of them. :)
    Grade 4 Buzz

    1. Yay!! I was thinking I had seen more "x is following you" emails than that, but Bloglovin says 5 and blogger says 1. Weird! But thanks for following!

  3. Thanks for linking up and Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I used to teach in Alabama...where are you located at?

    I {Heart} Recess

    1. Thanks Jess! And thanks for doing the linky - it was a great idea! I'm in the Birmingham area currently; where in Alabama did you teach?

  4. Hey there! I found your blog on the link and am your newest follower! I am all about a classroom full of laughter as well! I'll try just about anything to make the kids have fun and remember what they're learning!


    Drop by... Life As I Know It

    1. Thanks Jamie! I'm all about whatever it takes to get them involved - I'm totally not afraid to make a fool of myself! :) I'm headed to check you out now!

  5. Welcome to the blog-world. I love that so many people were blog-stalking that they just decided to create their own. Too funny.

    I'm glad you could link with this and get noticed!

    Digital: Divide & Conquer

    1. Thanks Matt! I just hopped over to your blog and love it!

  6. Now you're at 28! WOO! :) I wanted to play the violin in 5th grade, but my mom said I'd probably quit and it was too expensive. Good thing, because I totally would have quit! HA! I'm not good at "sticking with things".

    The Journey of a Beginning Teacher
